More Thoughts on Gaza in this Time of Crisis; My Newest Statistics and Events Close to Home Overshadowing the Continuing Adulation of the Malaysian Malaysian People: Great Things Can Happen Following the Life of Ease; New Statistics Reveal the Wonder of Malaysia: Reels and Colorful Malaysian Scarves Bring Great Joy

I do admit that as the world’s chaos worsens I am drawn to its events trying to understand, in some small measure, why in the world I am living through all this. Admittedly living in…

The Best Lexis Suites Day Ever: You Shall Learn More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About Malaysian Fruit; Uniqueness of the Day Discussed; No Filter Riddle; Malaysia, a Very Unique Country; A Lex Spa Mani and Pedi; Photos of Unique Malaysian Fruits; the Unique Event; Reels of Breaking Open the Durian and an Alexis Commentary

I shall describe for you the best Lexis Suites Day ever – one that most guests, for a number of reasons, will not be able to experience. Most of it yes, but not all of…

New Prayer Practices Have Led to Greater Knowledge and Appreciation of the Quran; Chapter 87 Most Enlightened and Meaningful to Me: New Improved Selfies Found on YouTube; Man is a Creature of Haste; Beautiful Names Book; Power Outage Brings Cookies and Chocolates: View From Bathtub in New Room, Note and Illustration of Beautiful Names

A previous blog discussed the difficulties I have experienced in developing prayer habits and rituals suitable to both my physical and intellectual needs. This is a continuation, a sequel, a follow up, of sorts  to…

American Politics According to Alexis; Then Onto Something Important, AL-MAKIR, the Planner, Prayer Practices Slowly Learned as the Dawn of My Islamic Faith Happened During the Pandemic; Examples of Adaptations Made; Photo of Breakfast Notes and The View From My December 2022 Umrah Hotel

July 25, 2024This morning at breakfast the television transmitted tawdry snippets of USA politics. The problem with television ‘reporters’ is they have no sense of history. They do not have the time as they can…