Peace of Mind Mine Once More; Even Though Lots Going on in My Life; Too Much Actually; A Blessed Walk on the Beach Brings Peace; ALLAH Brought You to Us Says Ben Hur; My Finest Hour; Fasting Again; Motorbike Ride to Pharmacy and Grocery Store; Photos by Amy; Breaking Fast with Lexus; Beach Etc

Last evening, just before sunset, I took myself for a walk on the beach – the beach surrounding this hotel. This rather messy beach is nothing like the beaches of that surround the Bahrain Rex…

Writing on the Wall; A Thinking Person’s Response to Chaos; Bali Becomes the Solution Leading Back to Medinah and Makkah; Confluence of Events Bewildering; But Enlightenment Found in The Beautiful Names of Allah: Fasting on Thursday; Photos and Reels of Breakfast and Sunrise

That phrase came to me, haunting me, its meaning vaguely known. Thinking these strange flashes bring understanding investigated it more thoroughly. It is an idiom: there are clear signs that a situation is going to…

Statistics Seen in a New Light; More on Malaysians, First Malaysian Met in 2017; He Atypical; Malaysian Muslim Sister met July 22, 2023 Enticed me to Come Here; Malaysians Their Countries Valuable Resource; My Observations: Photo of Gifts and Reels Showing Newly Acquired Talent

Discerning readers will have noticed two columns in the country breakdown of my statistics. Viewers and views. Viewers are the people, views are the number of visits. If views are the criteria then Malaysia is…