Peace is the word that came to me on the morning of July 18, 2024. . Of course, peace is central to the the Islamic Faith. It is mandatory to speak of the prophet in the following manner: the Prophet (peace be upon him) The greeting given to fellow Muslims morning, noon and night is translated to: Peace Be Upon You. Their response is Peace be Upon You.
Yesterday the word came to me via a hymn, strangely enough remembered from my very early Christian days. “I’ve got the peace that passes understanding down in my heart, down in my heart, down in my heart to stay.” Did not need to Google it because I did remember the words, but, out of habit, did it anyway and this is what I found. “This is a peace that transcends, out does, surpasses, excels, rises above, goes beyond and over the top of any other kind of peace. The implication is that people may try to find peace in other places, but there is no peace like the peace of God.” I proven correct, discovering the hymn goes on to speak of Jesus and most Google references spoke about Jesus, not Isa. Isa is Jesus the Prophet in the Quran. Found other definitions of peace describing the joys of having peace of mind. Peace is a compassion for others. Peace is being able to grow and thrive and be who you are.
I knew I had spoken of peace of mind in other blogs, employed the search engine and found that I had. Spoke most eloquently after doing extensive research. The blog was written just prior to my leaving Edmonton, Alberta, Canada for forever, although I did not think so at the time. My extensive online research led me to the Australian Journal of Islamic Studies beginning in this fashion. .
“Not only does Islam mean peace, but it also has a strong affiliation with inner peace through the tranquillity and peace it offers as a result of internalising the Islamic faith.
Zuleyha Keskin authored: Inner Peace in Islam. It is extremely intellectual and challenging, in other words almost impossible to understand. I did give an example in the prior blog. I shall not in this one. Another author: Khaled Abou El Fadl has also tackled the topic, but from a slightly different angle. His paper; “When Happiness Fails: An Islamic Perspective explains that there is an inextricable link between knowledge and happiness, where knowledge is about the self, other people, other cultures and the world. It is such knowledge that leads to a state of peace and harmony with the self, with creation and with God.
Abou El Fadl, drawing on this analysis, goes on to advise that puritanical Muslims are undermining the ability to experience happiness at the individual and social level due to their jahiliyyah (ignorance). After this point, Abou El Fadl continues to explain with authority that this puritanical mind-set, has caused nothing but distress and ugliness for humanity.” I totally agree, having lived in countries crowded with puritanical Muslims They are found in many countries. Not in Malaysia it seems. I have been here for six weeks and spoken with many. Malaysian Muslims enjoy their knowledge about the self, other people, other cultures and the world. It must be this knowledge that creates the state of peace and harmony found here My blog provided the link to the article. Khaled Abou El Fadl, “When Happiness Fails: An Islamic Perspective,” Journal of Law and Religion 29, no. 1 (2014)
The prior blog did not insist upon the reading of the article, explaining that it would not give readers peace of mind. Said that of the readers of the blog can barely make it to 2,000 words, with some jokes thrown in. I know my audience, I declared. Alter Ego chimed in: You are funny! To which I responded: Occasionally. If I was funny all of the time I would be trivial. If I was serious all the time people would be bored and never read me. So you gotta be both – it is a roller coaster, a dance.”
My goodness, rereading myself did inspire me. I had forgotten about the article discovered almost a year ago. It has been a most eventful year. I admit to receiving inspiration from sources other than the Quran. This is an example, from off all places, Instagram. I met an amazing woman on the 8th floor of Lexis Suites. We began following each other on Instagram. She has an inspiring profile with many posts. I am passing on one to you. This reel explains exactly why and how the Islamic Faith provides all the guidance anyone could ever want and need in life. The link: You must watch this – even if it means you stop reading my blog. I insist!
I shall now attempt to throw in a little levity. (Levity is the perfect word: humor or frivolity, especially the treatment of a serious matter with humor or in a manner lacking due respect.) More funny stories from My Anonymous Family which consists of Grandson Adam and Granddaughter Mya.
During out last breakfast together we were discussing the Islamic Faith and the fact I cannot swim.
Me: I am a non swimming, but floating Muslim.
Mya: What’s that?
Me: What’s what? Muslim?
Mya: That is NOT how you say it Granny. I am going to have to teach you how to swim and how to say words.
Me: That would make me happy. I could use some help. It is embarrassing to not be able to say Muslim. I can say Islamic Faith.
Mya: You should say both.
Me: You are right.
Mya’s mother sent a short reel from their train journey from Penang to Kuala Lumpur. I will make that journey soon. We shared this email exchange.
She: We already miss you….take care of yourself.
Me: You know that silly thing that people do when you say I love you and they say I love you more. I hate it. You said I miss you. I am saying I miss you more. Hahaha The blog is posted Hahaha Love to everyone. I love telling people about how Mya is going to teach me pronunciation and swimming. What is that she says? That is not how you say Muslim???? I am still laughing.
It is rather unusual to have an anonymous family. I forget names so my new daughter in law wrote down their names on a piece of paper so I will not forget them. It is rather unusual to have an anonymous family (MAF), My Anonymous Family. This is even more odd and curious, even downright weird is this: I have an imaginary husband. As an understanding friend said:
She: Well, imaginary husbands are always there when you need them.
Me: Yes, always. You do not have to cook or clean up after them and they do not take up much space in bed. It is a little awkward to explain to a potential suitor.
She: It would be. You ever had to do that?
Me: Not yet. I cannot say I am looking forward to it. Decided to delay marriage.
She: Delay?
Me: Yes. Until Jannah. I am sure it can be sorted out there.
Photos include the first names of my anonymous family. Cannot quite conjure up imaginary husband for a photo. Hahaha .
Conjure is call upon (a spirit or ghost) to appear, by means of a magic ritual: OR | [with object] make (something) appear unexpectedly or seemingly from nowhere as if by magic:
Synonyms are make something appear, summon or whip up. I cannot whip up my imaginary husband for a selfie. Hahaha
I have rather amazing news to report. The reel found in yesterday’s blog, a barefoot Malaysian me saying Hello to Malaysia and Goodbye to Saudi Arabia hashes had, at this moment (7:24 July 20,2024) has received 808 Instagram views. Elephant Man, my cinema-photographer is utterly amazed. He is becoming very useful, not only with the videos but helping me with my iPhone which is giving me SO many problems, He is seeking further part time ‘employment’. . He is volunteering to be my body guard accompanying me to KL, possibly traveling to Dubai. . More about that journey later.
Pictured are the inscriptions written on the books given to Mya and Adam at breakfast before they left for home. I was so sad to see them leave and miss them so. Must make definite plans to be with them, for my peace of mind and for theirs and for their parents.
Just before prayer this morning went to the lobby. A man was repairing the front reception. Fortunately I was armed with an A sticker. So you can see that is says: Alexis Always #1 in our Hearts. Mashallah