Discovering The Truth in Al Jazeera; The Four Reasons Why Americans Abandoned Democracy; Having a Perspective So Important to Peace of Mind; Photos of Breakfast Food and Experimental Photography; Love Can Conquer All

I am in Singapore with an hour to spare because my next Apple class is an hour away. I am dressed, breakfasted, WhatsApped my driver and administrative assistant confirming my return on Sunday. Laughingly texted Din, Shamir and Roby:
Me: Everybody is missing me. A parade might just welcome my return. Hahaha

With the hour to spare, looked to Al Jazeera. I was not at all disappointed. On the Opinion page an essay written by Andrew Mitrovica, a columnist based in Toronto. He is an excellent writer, knowledgeable about history with uncanny perspective. Uncanny is the proper word to use: strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way. These are the synonyms that capture my meaning: remarkable, out of the ordinary, exceptional, astounding, noteworthy, notable, distinctive. An antonym: run-of-the-mill.

I shall begin my synopsis of his more lengthy wisdoms with the final paragraph.
“In this contemptuous context, it’s only mildly surprising that milked and manipulated Americans have sought salvation from a demagogue who offers easy, instant answers to hard, ornery problems. Disappointment is sure to follow.”

Do admit I did not know the meaning of ornery. It means stubborn or bad-tempered. Super synonyms: obstinate, pigheaded, recalcitrant, dogged, iron-willed, uncompromising.

The premise of the Opinion, rather simple, is found in the title: The reasons why America has abandoned democracy:I believe most Americans have abandoned democracy because democracy has abandoned most Americans.

Mitrovica characterizes the democracy, calling it atrophied
Furthering the description in these terms.
“ If public opinion polls are a reliable measure, most Americans appear happy to discard the frayed remnants of the “democratic experiment” in the misguided belief that Trump – the swaggering strongman – will deliver them and their angry, ailing home from real or imagined foreign and domestic enemies.”

He names four precipitating events:

The First
The lie at the core of America’s phantom democracy was laid bare by the fabrications concocted and repeated with obdurate certainty by President George W Bush and evangelical company, including the entire US establishment in the White House, Congress and much of a war-giddy press.The fiction that Saddam Hussein had stockpiled and was poised to unleash weapons of mass destruction led to a calamitous invasion in 2003 of Iraq that disfigured a sovereign country and killed countless innocents…..Meanwhile, the scores of Americans in uniform who did the invading, fighting, maiming, killing and dying have been largely forgotten.
Mitrovica ends this saga in the following way:
“Once again, the many were disposed of or destroyed – in mind, body, and spirit – to satisfy the imperial aims of the few.”

The Second
Mitrovica moves on to the second scenario. One I had not considered,, even though I had lived through all of those times.
“ The strained compact between the governed and the governors buckled further in the wake of a ferocious hurricane that struck vulnerable New Orleans in 2005.The terrifying scope of Hurricane Katrina overwhelmed a city and the levies that were meant to protect it. The flooding swallowed homes and the livelihoods of mostly poor people who sought refuge on rooftops. There were more than 1,400 deaths. Amid the epochal destruction, the living were obliged to fend for themselves in desperate search of shelter, food, and water

The Third.
But along came the third, this I remember well. Although it did not directly affect me. I cannot remember why but I guess it was because I am very responsible when it comes to money. Believe that or not. Most people assume, just because I am a woman that I am a spendthrift, but my jewels are fake.
“By way of instructive contrast, Bush rushed in 2008 to the rescue of the profit-by-any-means-necessary bankers on Wall Street and beyond who engineered, in effect, a nationwide Ponzi scheme that triggered the near-collapse of America’s greed fuelled economy built on a sandy foundation known as the sub-prime-mortgage (racket) crisis.

When the enormous bill came due, Americans paid in full to staunch the metastasizing contagion that threatened the whole, decrepit house of cards. All told, besieged taxpayers bankrolled $7.7 trillion in “emergency loans” to save a host of teetering banks from foreclosure while they struggled to stave off predatory creditors and make meagre ends meet during the “Great Recession” that lasted for two arduous years.”
The Fourth:
“Obama did not save the day as promised. Alas, Obama understood that like Bush, his principal task was to ingratiate, not alienate, the prosperous powers-that-be who made him president.Obama’s trite, self-serving clarion call, “Yes, we can,” was a cynical ruse meant to dupe Americans into believing that he was an ardent ally of the “we” and not the mendacious magnates.
The practiced facade dropped when it became apparent that the Obama administration refused to pursue seriously, let alone charge, any of the criminals-in-custom-tailored-suits responsible for the systemic fraud that produced such loss, heartache, and suffering among working- and middle-class Americans.
Obama’s shameful failure was proof of America’s two-tiered “justice system” that condemned the destitute and insulated the rich.”

Then along came to the conclusion which you have already read.

It is rather amazing to understand what happened to a country that I once called home. I lived through all of those times – each and every one. But now understand that Obama was the death knell. A man who is still somewhat revered and has now been revealed (to me at least) to be a phony. He would be considered a hypocrite in the Islamic Faith.

Having a perspective is SO important. The Islamic Faith provides me with perspective in many ways. It provides peace of mind, so necessary for both creative and profound thoughts. My peace of mind occasionally deserts me but returns with prayer combined with ultimate trust I Allah (SWT).

I feel SO blessed at this moment, knowing full well that hardships will descend and yet again I shall be tested.
Shamir and I are texting, not testing. He is in Penang; I am in Singapore. However, we text even when we are both in Penang and seeing one another. We laugh that soon we shall sit across the table from one another texting, not talking. I also text constantly with his father. We will be sitting at a table for three, texting each other and laughing. No one will understand, not even us.

I am having an absolutely sumptuous breakfast in the Executive Lounge being most adventurous in my food choices this morning. Yesterday was Canadian/American with a little Belgian thrown in. Rice Crispies were a little tired and did not go snap crackle and pop as anticipated. A Belgium Waffle with Canadian Maple Syrup. This morning it was Penang and Chinese delights. Sent photos to Mohan and Shamir bragging that my breakfast was better than theirs. The Western folk that surround me are having English breakfast food. How boring.
My day is uncertain. Aya Ibraham my Edmonton Muslim friend texted she has arrived in the Singapore Airport. I leave tomorrow. I texted her back
Me: Wow! But Oh No. I leave for Penang tomorrow. We may be two ships that pass in the night. Whatever that means. Hahahaha I have had a great time here. Spectacular. But home to prepare for Ramadan. Only about one week away.

Yesterday I crossed the street to the Apple Store, taking an iPhone Photography course. It was great, Learned about the new features on my advanced iPhone. You shall see some examples. As well as the adventurous breakfast food.

Exchanged emails with computer Guru Chris. I had sent the photos found on the February 21, 2025 blog, to which he responded.
He: Glamorous Alexis!
Me: Takes one to know one. Haha

Mohan is promising dog walks and breakfast when I return. He lives close to my new abode. So I will be able to check out Beryl’s future mate. Hahaha Me.

Beryl is his doggie. They would make strange puppies that is for sure. Chris when he saw a photo of Simca said
He: Handsome.
Me: Indeed.

Not sure how this could be arranged. Definitely a long distance romance. It is a long way between Penang and the UK. But love can conquer all. Hahaha