Back on the Straight and Narrow: Christian and Islamic Paths Compared; Significance of Jesus According to Gary Wills; Jesus Loves Me Lullaby Refashioned: Secular Matters Discussed: Perfume Blending Workshop at Lyf; Not Alaa Aura, Instead Alexis One: Definition of Dormant: Quote by Somerset Maugham; Photo of Truffle Fries; Amanda, the Perfume Lady and Her Business Card

I am back on the straight and narrow. Giving up my foodie, fun-loving persona. If you keep on the straight and narrow, you behave in a way that is honest and moral. The straight and narrow path, in the Christian religion is a morally strict mode of behavior. All
Christians are vague and indefinite, and unclear about the straight and narrow way speaking of it as “the road that the people who are following Christ take, because it leads to His kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven. Sadly, not many people are going to be taking this road.The broad and wide way is the road that people use who don’t want to follow Jesus. Most people are going to use that road because it is easier.” Strong words describe being off the straight and narrow, being on the broad and wide way; aberrant, erratic, offending, stray, unorthodox, wayward. I was not that evil, concentrating on food in the month before Ramadan, not wayward, not aberrant.

The Islamic Faith presents a clearer picture of the Straight Path which is Arabic is Sirat al Mustaaqim. The Quran brings it all together in Quran 3:50-51 the Prophet Asa (Jesus) says:
“I have come to you with a sign from your Lord . Be mindful of God, obey me . God is my Lord and your Lord , so serve him—-that is the Straight Path”

The Straight Path is the path that leads to God. The term “aṣ-sirāṭ al-mustaqīm” is mentioned approximately 33 times in the Quran. The phrase appears in Sarah Finch (1.6) which is seen as the essence of the Quran. Quran 1:6 (“Guide us to the straight path”) is widely seen as a prayer for steadfastness in both following the straight path and for ongoing support to remain strong in following the path of truth, seeking to be led to God Himself”,a longing for intimacy, nearness, knowledge, and love of God. The  straight path has both outward aspects of religious law and the inner dimensions of spirituality.  One serves God through external human behavior, and at the same time develops a deeper spiritual God.

Put in another way, the four steps are: 1. Having humility as a servant of Allah

(Glorified is He) in the community 2. Ascribing success to Allah

and not to oneself 3.Understanding the  comprehensiveness of Islam 4. Embracing the world wide social nature of the Islamic message.

The most comprehensive and the clearest commentary of the significance of Jesus is found in Gary Wills What the Qur’an Meant and Why it Matters. In the chapter The Perpetual Stream of Prophets. He begins by discussing the “unique privileges of Jesus.”

“Jesus, unlike all the prophets except Adam has no human father. Like most of the prophets, but not Muhammed, he works many miracles (3.49) But unlike all the prophets, without exception, he is taken up from death directly to God (3.5,4.158-59). The quest laws set him apart in every way.. He is the Word of Allah (3.4) conceived by the inbreathing of the Holy Spirit to Mary (21.91 66.12) and he will come again at the final judgment  (3.55-56). He even repeats Allah’s creation of animals from clay (3.49, 5.110). But his preaching is that of the prophets…..Jesus is taught the Torah directly by God. “He will teach you the Scripture and wisdom. (3.48).

Other qualities are discussed, his perhaps greatest distinction is saved until last,

And there is one more distinction marking him out; he is the only prophet who foresees the sending of Muhammad. “Children of Israel, I am sent to you by God, confirming the Torah that came before me and bringing good news of a messenger to follow me whose name shall be Ahmed (variant of Muhammad)” (61.6).

The chapter continues to inform, and logically inspire. It ends in the following fashion.

“The followers of all God’s Prophets are natural brothers, not enemies. Thus, when the Quran permits defensive war against aggressors, it does so for all the places where One God is worshipped…. Allah protects equally the synagogue, the church and the mosque—the people of Moses, of Jesus and Muhammad.”

This book was clearly written before Gaza. Where nothing and no one is safe.

I do admit that I do not remember how to do a proper MLA cite and do not have the time to do it now. I usually do not quote from books, so my skills are very rusty. I will learn and tell you all later. At the moment Wills, What the Quran Meant and Why it Matters, Penguin Books (2017) pls. 102-103.

Suddenly the words to a Christian lullaby came to me. I was raised as a Protestant, went to Sunday school, sang in the choir, joined C.G.I.T (Canadian Girls in Training) etc etc. The song: Yes, Jesus Loves Me.  But instead Yes Allah Loves Me.

Yes, Allah loves me this I know, For the Quran tells me so . Yes Allah loves me. Yes Allah loves me. The Quran tells me so. All souls to him belong; We are weak, but He is strong.

The author of this original lullaby is Anna Bartlett Warner (1859) It is published in 631 hymnals. My song will probably be published only on this blog. Hahaha. So I will not take the time to rewrite the entire lullaby.

Now Onto Secular Matters:

I am at the breakfast bar of Mojo Jojo again because of a Mohan Mix Up. He got the dates mixed up so I stayed over at Lyf for another day. It was a blessing actually. Woke up this morning with no neck pain. I cannot believe it!! I have a follow up appointment tomorrow which leaves my mind at rest and is advisable. The Chinese doctor, after a most painful procedure, gave me a choice saying if the pain came back I should see a Western doctor, if not make a follow up appointment. I made a follow up appointment before I left. Positivity prevailed!!!!

I had a rather strange breakfast. I did not eat all day yesterday, it was an upsetting day in many ways but there was some good news which you shall hear. Therefore I officially sinned at breakfast – having the Mojo Breakfast with eggs but treating myself to the Truffle fries. You shall see them pictured. I laughed with the chef about my history with French fries.

Me: You know, one always has a choice. Salad or fries. I ALWAYS chose the fries not the salad. I ate two or three of them and was satisfied. Probably less calories then all the dressing on the chaste salad. I did some research discovering that when you substitute a low calorie thing for something you really want it never works. See I knew what I was doing all of the time. Hahaha

She: I totally agree and it is no fun making the skinny stuff , it often has no taste.

I woke up yesterday in a total funk. But I had made a commitment. I punctually arrived at 9 am. The night before Nixon, the Lyf General Manager invited me and others to a perfume workshop. I would have NEVER thought of doing that. It was a fascinating experience. You shall see a photograph of our instructor, Amanda.  We were joined by two Malaysian women. I will picture the business card of the instructor and a photo of Amanda and all of her supplies consisting of bottles of fragrances of all sorts. One creates their own blends by choosing your favorites and combining them according to a specific scientific formula. I named mine Alaa’s Aura. Hahaha. One’s perfume, said Amanda, should tell people about you. My self created formula is spicy, and slightly sexy. Hahaha. Later Nixon told me the name is too complicated. I should just call it Alexis One. He knows more about marketing than I do. Therefore I agreed.

I am thinking at this point in time that I might come back to Lyf after Ramadan. Hang out watching the chefs at work. Hey, maybe get hired on a part time basis. I will have a kitchen in which to hone my  culinary dormant skills.

Dormant’s meaning in this situation is an adjective meaning  temporarily inactive or inoperative. Its synonyms are:, slumbering, resting, reposing, drowsing, fallow, sluggish, torpid,. Hahaha I have slumbering, drowsing, sluggish culinary skills which shall soon awaken. Hahaha .

I found an E and O Antiquated Luxury Colonial Hotel bookmark in one of my books. It is most apt. “It’s a funny thing about life; if you refused to accept anything but the best you very often get it” —Somerset Maugham

It is so true. I accept something less for awhile but then realize my worth and dump it/they and the best comes around. It has happened yet again. You shall hear more.