Best Sixty Days Ever; Loving  this Penang; Walking a Tightrope But Finally Reaching Safety; Having a New Man in my Life Brings Joy; I Prefer Adam; Photos of a Spectacular Sunrise, a Vibrant Me, Reel Saying Hello Malaysia

Dateline: July 15, 2024 

Realized suddenly, and with a start, that I have been in Malaysia, in Penang for sixty days today, two whole months. More precisely and accurately I have been in Lexis Suites Penang for sixty days. I have scarcely, hardly at all, ventured to the metropolis of Penang. One absolutely treasured trip to a special place which you shall hear about in a couple of days – but that is about it. 

I realized with immense gratitude that this is the first time in my life that I have felt safe.  I do not have to be hyper vigilant. I am often described as being resilient, as being strong. That I am, no doubt about it. But it ain’t easy being hyper vigilant. 


Vigilance is keeping careful watching for possible danger or difficulties. Seriously scan some of the synonyms and you will get an idea of my inner life: sharp-eyed, with eyes like a hawk, keeping one’s eyes peeled, on the alert, on one’s toes, on one’s guard, cautious, wary, circumspect,, heedful, mindful; not missing a trick, on the ball, keeping an eye on things, leery. Antonyms are negligent, inattentive. 

All the while though not letting anyone know that I was nor missing a trick, with eyes like a hawk, on my toes, being wary and circumspect. It has been a life walking on a tight rope, which means someone is in a difficult situation in which something bad could happen if you make a mistake. Here are two descriptive examples from Longman’s. “It is like walking a tight tope in size 15 wellies “.And “Neurotics walk a tightrope from one catastrophe to the next. “


It seems like I have landed safely on the other side, but what is safety anyway? Safety is the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury. It is a sanctuary, a refuge. Goodness gracious, just what a refugee needs -a refuge. No wonder I love it here! This refuge is most secluded in many ways, almost in solitude. I do not drive, do not have a car, but even if I did traffic is a horrendous problem, busy roads and lack of sidewalks make walking along the streets in this section of the city practically impossible. Walking along the beach in the sand,  is difficult with my left knee. There is no moot but this seems almost like a Castle – my Lexis Suite the Royal Chambers. 

In most other ways, my habitat is almost like a monastery, or in my case a nunnery,  a convent, or an ashram.  Find there is such a place in the Islamic Faith, called a tekke, Must see if I can find one of those. Wikipedia informs: 

“In most religions, life inside monasteries is governed by community rules that stipulate the gender of the inhabitants and require them to remain celibate and own little or no personal property. That is me, I am celibate and I have little or no personal property because I left most, if not all of my possessions in Edmonton. There are no community rules – this is a popular honeymoon destination for Saudi couples. How could there be community rules for celibacy? 

My Lexis Suite with  two king beds, has only kissing swans occurring the other bed. There is such peace there  an ideal place to worship with its prayer rug and outdoor patio featuring magnificent sunrises and sunsets. It has been a time of intense prayer, worship, and play, water aerobics in the big pool and laughing with superb staff. 


Life at Lexis Suites is a sheer delight for another reason. It is a haven for families with children – the kids love to play in their own private pool. The clientele are bringing me great joy. 

People who know ‘ former’ me might wince when I told them triumphantly: There is a new man in my life! Sent a photo of the new man kissing. 

I sent a photo of him kissing my forehead to several friends. You shall read their responses. 

Me: The new man in my life.

He: You are so lucky Alexis, A kiss on the forehead WOW 

Another responded: That is sooooo nice of him. 

I sent the photo to two friends in Saudi Arabia. 

Me: Adam asked me to be his Granny Alexis 

She: Cute. He is lucky to have you. 

The other another friend in Saudi Arabia.   

Me: I am getting popular with the younger set. His name is Adam 

She: You look beautiful. That is so lovely he asked you! 

Me: Great to get your message and hear from you.  

Also sent a DM via Instagram to a man of recent acquaintance. 

Me: You have been replaced by a younger man. He asked me to be his Granny Alexis. Of course I said yes. He is eight but more mature and sensitive than you. His parents approve. I shall be the father’s mother. My family keeps growing. I need birth control. Hahaha  

Not responded yet, rather typical. But then sent a message at 1:27 am saying 

He: You do not look for me. I am the only one that reaches out. How are you and your new family? And new country Alexis?  

Me: I always respond to you. You do not respond back. I even sent you a photo of Adam. Besides that I reach out through my blog. You know what is happening with me by that. You do not have a blog. 

New Men

The new man in my life is Adam. This is the second man in my life by the name of Adam. Googled the first man – Adam Temple. Talk about small world, found out that he seems to be alive and well and soon to be a speaker at a conference in Edmonton – my former home. I sent a funny message which he will never return. The blurb says this about him.  

“Adam Temple is a leading Canadian expert in extraction technologies and their market economics. He and his team at Evolved Extraction Solutions perform real world analysis and trials to evaluate the merits and drawbacks of new and existing technologies being applied to the cannabis processing space. Taking a stance that there is no superior method for all applications, only strengths to harness and weaknesses to overcome, allows them to align their interests with the long term success of their clients and the cannabis community at large. This enables him and his team to develop cutting edge solutions to the industry’s most pervasive challenges while helping processors compete and succeed globally.” 

My message to him said that I knew him from Vancouver days but that I had aged more gracefully than he had – knew would he looked like now as there was a photo of him. When I first met Adam Temple on Davies Street in Vancouver I called him First Man – that was his nickname. Hahaha. We laughed together – it did not ‘work out’. He was too young for me. 

Well this Adam – this new man is only eight. I wrote to another man telling him some of the details. 

Me:  Grandson Adam lives in Dubai. Will visit he and his sister soon. Not sure just when. When Allah (SWT) decides. Adam is a Muslim – was only one and a half his first Umrah. My first Umrah when I was two – two years a Muslim, but 79 years old.

Adam Temple is described as an incredible innovator, I am positively sure that Grandson Adam will be a creative innovator as well. 


Did some more sleuthing to find an Adam Temple profile written by Kathleen Tonnesen. I was there the night she interviewed him. She did a profile of me a couple of weeks before. I cannot find it. You could look it up – but trust me I did age better than he has. Sorry First Man. 

There is indeed a great deal going on in my life at the present time. Made a very funny Instagram reel which I shall link. November 11, 2023 found me saying goodbye to Canada and saying hello to Saudi Arabia, pointing out the window to the Prophet’s Mosque. Said goodbye to Saudi Arabia and hello to Malaysia in the Children’s Play Room on the 8th floor of Lexis Suites. It seemed appropriate somehow.  

The weather has been unusual – the cumulous clouds and sunshine had been replaced by a low lying clouds resembling fog, flat dull white. But this July 18, 2024 morning brought a sunrise – made more beautiful by its absence. A photograph will follow. Went outside to catch a better angle, using the flowering plants as foreground. 

Did receive a great compliment from an unlikely source. Was ‘speaking’ to him and Adam’s parents simultaneously. Azza sent a video of me reading to Adam and his sister Mya. 

Me: Who is the cute old lady reading to your children? Hahaha 

She: That’s our lovely Alexis 

Me: Thank you my dear. Thought I recognized myself. Do not ask me why but I am messaging this Nigerian maybe prince guy. Me and men. I prefer Adam 

She: Adam loves u too. He was asking about you. 

Me: Tell him I  miss him. Do NOT tell him about the maybe Prince. 

She: No no. I am not. Hahaha 

Me: Thanks, He would say Granny?!?!  Who is 8 and who is 81? 

Being a Granny does impose certain restrictions on one’s behavior.

I must be sensible, mature and use good judgment. I have been a Granny before – eight grandchildren. I was married to the Grandfather so had official status. I was good at it and will now reveal my talents: a combination of love, playfulness and discipline. It ‘worked’. Mya said: 

She: If you are my Granny you have to come and live with us. 

Much to her parent’s relief, I smiled and said: 

Me: I cannot right now but I will come and visit you soon. Then come back to Malaysia. 

Oh forgot to mention the compliment. I sent him a photo of me in a beautiful tied scarf, hand tied by by Trish. . 

He: Mashallah How vibrant. I love how you blend with many cultures when you dress like them. 

Me: Thank you for saying you like the color and that you like the way I adapt to cultures. Actually the scarf was a gift from a Saudi craftswoman. 

He: I should get you more Nigerian dresses Inshallah

Me: I already have one stupid and I am not in Nigeria. 

He and I fight a lot. It is good for him. He needs a strict grandmother. He is threatening to come and visit. 

Me: You are not staying in my room. You get a room of your own. 

He: I will come to your room and sleep at night. 

Me: There are security cameras all over. Everyone would know and think impure thoughts about us that would not be true. 

Me: But we could say that you were afraid of the dark. 

He: Afraid of the dark? 

Me: Afraid of the dark because who could find you when you are so dark? Please laugh. 

He: Hahahaha And you get lost when the sun is out because you are so bright. 

Me: Oh that is great! I love that. I will wear a hat and we can put a spotlight on your head.I need to stop messaging.  I need to pray. 

I shall define impure at this time. Here are some of its sinful synonyms: non chaste, immoral, unclean, improper. People have thought impure thoughts of the two of us, sharing a room. But as we discussed yesterday night. 

He: We never did go to bed together and we might never do. 

Me: We will never do! I am so strong.

He: You are strong in the faith. 

Me: As are you! 

You shall see a photo of the morning sunrise. The colorful vibrant me and a reel of me declaring my love of Malaysia. There will be no photos of Grandson Adam nor his sister. Well all (the kids and their parents) have decided that their privacy shall be protected. The wording of this blog was shared before they left for home. It was approved.