These were truths revealed in the New Yorker. They are truths because all prose in the New Yorker is fact checked. Wikipedia defines fact checking: “Fact-checking is the process of verifying information in non-fictional text in order to determine its veracity and correctness. Fact-checking can be conducted before (ante hoc) or after (post hoc) the text is published or otherwise disseminated.[1] Internal fact-checking is such checking done in-house by the publisher; when the text is analyzed by a third party, the process is called external fact checking. ;
John Cassidy’s article is wittily titled Donald Trump’s Attempt to obscure reality of the coronavirus is Getting Comical It begins as thus, “It should never be forgotten how much of Donald Trump’s career has been based on his ability to obscure and defy reality. In the nineteen-eighties and early nineties, he built a gaming-and-real-estate empire on a mountain of debt, which eventually forced some of his businesses into bankruptcy. By persuading his bank creditors to let him retain some of his prized assets, rather than liquidate them, he converted disaster into opportunity. And, by booking a huge tax loss, which he carried over in subsequent years, he seems to have eliminated most, if not all, of his federal-tax obligations for at least a decade.Despite scraping through his financial busts with some of his businesses intact, Trump would have all but disappeared from the national scene were it not for a starring role on reality television—a medium that has very little to do with actual reality. After “The Apprentice” became a hit, Trump erased the failures from his résumé and ran for President on the image of a successful businessman—even as it emerged that one of his surviving ventures, Trump University, was a scam.In 2016, Trump defied yet another reality. His opponent, Hillary Clinton, defeated him in the popular vote by almost three million ballots. But the antiquated Electoral College ushered Trump into the White House, where he continued the assault on fact-based reality that he had launched during his election campaign, repeatedly labelling the media as “fake news” and the “enemy of the people.” Three and a half years later, he is still at it.”
Fascinating and compelling writing, Here is link to the entire article: .
But closer to home, on Tuesday Personal Driver took the two of us on a tour of San Francisco to discover what was open and functioning, well on that day anyway. The first stop a T-Mobile store as an addition to my plan was necessary. It was accomplished, the helpful woman described the process whereby the store re-opens, then is shut down and the process repeats itself time and time again. It must be most disturbing to the employees, to say nothing of the poor customers. But I hit it lucky. Then it was off to Union Square, some stores open. The Apple Store was teaming with people but it was the only store that was busy. But the eerie and strangest of sights was all of the major hotels barricaded and shut down. The Mark Hopkins, the Fairmont, Stanford Court, Sir Francis Drake etc. etc. etc. Apparently no one is traveling – the hotels staffed for only thee or four guests. The hotels could not afford to pay the staff. What a mess! The strange phenomena is that one can travel by car, and hence in safety, to San Francisco from almost anywhere in the United States. It is not necessary to fly but even with that no one is coming. There are signs of tourists at Vista Point, Muir Woods and some beaches but not in San Francisco proper. I was astounded and rather disappointed as I was expecting some our of the country visitors. Guess that is not going to happen as they will have nowhere to stay. I might have found a solution – we shall see.
We drove to the Palace of the Legion of Honor which is usually choked with cars and impossible to find parking. There was ample parking, very few, if any, people. A beautiful sunny day to be sight seeing. Something very strange and funny happened. Driving down Geary, Personal Driver suggested we stop at House of Bagels and get bagels. He went in the store to buy them, coming back to the car frustrated and angry.
He: Can you believe this? I asked for two toasted onion bagels with cream cheese – then paid him. He handed me the plastic bag with two bagels and a tub of cream cheese and a plastic knife.
Me: Really? How very tacky!
He: Look at this – the bagels are not even cut in half and there is only this plastic knife. He said that it is not allowed for him to touch the bagel.
Me: It is utter bullshit. The heat of the toaster would destroy the virus. Some people are using this pandemic to be lazy.
He: Look at his! Cutting a bagel with a plastic knife!
It worked, sort of. We shared one bagel with the cream cheese. I took the other one home and had it later – neatly cut it with a real knife, put it in the toaster and smeared on the cream cheese. It was yummy. The House of Bagels on Geary make the best bagels.
We did not have lunch – some restaurants were open with their outside tables, but they did not look particularly inviting as they were along busy streets. It would be like dining in the middle of a freeway. We just laughed and laughed and laughed. We are going to get through this. Optimistic Alexis is sure that the vaccine will be here in two or three months. But will life return in the same way, that I very much doubt. Patience is needed, unfortunately patience is not one of my virtues.
Upon further reflection: If San Francisco hotels are so hard hit, what about Dubai? Their hotels must be closing, the expats, the workers will be returning to their countries leaving only 11% of the populating – the Emerita. Qatar in a different situation as construction on the arena for the 2022 Word Cup has continued. Although migrant workers were stuck with the disease many were asymptomatic and now are immune. Most unusual. I do guess that I should be grateful that I saw Dubai in its heydays. Used in a sentence: During his heyday, he was quite the matinee idol. Symomyms are prime, peak, height, pinnacle, summit, apex, acme, zenith, climax, high point; day, time, bloom, flowering; prime of life, salad days, halcyon days, glory days. The glory days, the salad days, the zenith – not too long ago January of 2020.
On Thursday it was off to West Marin with Personal Driver. The photograph is a mug purchased from Toby’s Feed Barn – I know the owner from my prior life. I did not recognize him with his face mask, so inquired as to his identity. He was most surprised to see me – me in my face mask. There is also a selfie of me in my face mask, not awfully cute, but look at that hat! Wore matching shoes.