This portion of the blog is being written on an Icelandic Airlines flight from Iceland to London. It is daybreak, lovely pastel colors and white fluffy clouds. It is a truly beautiful vision and it feels precious and wonderful to be alive. I feel blessed and surrounded by love and good wishes. There are rude people here and there but they are by far in the minority,freaky and far outside the norm. A Vancouver man, with whom I shared a brief liaison, was with me for several days, visiting my Vancouver haunts. He said in astonishment.
He: Everyone loves you.
Me: Well mot everyone but the vast majority of people seem to.
I wonder when it all changed, when this magic existence came into being. It has been recent, rather a culmination, a gradual acceleration. But it is decidedly different from life as I have known it for most of my existence. It is weird and rather unnerving. I have always been popular but it is nothing like this. This state of bliss is something far different. Most of the feeling of being intensely loved comes from people new to my life. But it seems like I have known them forever – even in another life perhaps. For reasons of privacy they shall not be named but they do know who they are – because I tell them. I lean on them, they lean on me – there is a mutuality not found before. I trust they will always be there for me, it is seamless. I am treated so well, by so many. I feel spoiled rotten but, in a sense, it seems like I deserve it. I think I am in love – it seems rather natural. But all of it takes energy and there is a pervasive feeling of exhaustion. I just want to close my eyes and be with him and be with them. But my public calls.
Friends say the nicest, sweetest things. Here is an example. Jennifer W, spoke in an email abut observations in a previous blog.” In your recent blog you talk about persona as being the mask or appearance one presents to the world. I don’t think that’s you. You’re right when you say, what you see is what you get. You’re too honest and truthful to be anyone but yourself, and besides, it’s yourself that’s the people magnet. I doubt they’d be attracted as much to a “persona” if you had one. You have a special quality in being yourself that’s magical to people. It’s something they find attractive and luring to them. Hence, all those men being utterly, madly excited by you!” Hey dammit – she just might just be right. Other friends tease me. Foxy Roxy called me a vixen, told me to go forth and Carpe diem. I guess I will, once I figure out what it means. She further went on to say:
She: Ah you vixen. Bewitched this young man so deeply that his life now will be measured in before Lady A and after…He may be a wise old soul. but the likes of you unrivaled.
Me: I am going to share your comments with him and I just know he will laugh good naturally, probably shake is head in casual disbelief. He does seem up for whatever will befall.
I feel totally accepted by him and by everyone. Well, almost everyone – there are rude assholes around and about but usually I persevere. Actually, I always persevere.
The day before yesterday it was oft to the modern art museum in Reykjavik, Iceland, it proved to be a special trip and treat. I was introduced to an artist I had never heard of before but he is a leading figure, born in Iceland in 1932 and was a clear cut case of being in the right place at the right time. Erro’s work is reminiscent in many ways of my favorite Vancouver artist Jean Paul Lianglois, The photograph is one of Erro’s most favorite paintings found in the museum. It is an amazing image. – in my humble viewpoint.
I funny thing happened to me on the way to Icelandic Flight 670. I asked directions of an airline employee and complained about the enormity of the airport. He disagreed. I manfully walked and walked and walked. Suddenly the wonderful man showed up with a wheelchair and escorted me to the First Class Lounge. We were laughing hilariously, got into an elevator and I did a video and put it on Instagram. I am alexismctwit on Instagram and I attract many followers and many likes. Whereas FaceBook, practically nothing. ‘Sister’ Adele put Kathleen’s flattering profile of me on FaceBook and ‘sister in law’ Carol was the only one that commented
She: Wow
Me; Yes, that is me. Almost unbelievable is it not?
It was off the airplane at Gatwick, into a taxi for a trip to my favorite of all hotels, the Pantessa Chelsea Bridge. I was greeted with hugs upon arrival – not the Trump International Hotel flowers, red carpet and champagne but I am not complaining. To my room on the ninth floor with a lovely view, quickly throw on different clothes, grab another cab and then to my Rex Whistler where I was royally greeted, sat at a premium table and embraced by staff. Of course, teased mercilessly by the General Manager but I definitely held up my end of the bargain and sassed right back. It felt like it was home, fascinating fellow patrons, exquisite food and wine. Of course I conversed with the chef, congratulating him on the food. The General Manager forced me to eat some vegetables but not those Brussel sprouts. They are pictured in isolation. I was told that I could not have cheese if I did not eat my vegetables but with the cooperation of LL, the handsome waiter I got my cheese plate without eating the Brussel sprouts. Foiled again, Matthew, you were foiled again. Back to my hotel, for a nap and then an interesting experience that you will hear about later.
So I, and others, are having a great day. A staff member at the Tate grinned enormously and said:
He: You made my day!
Me: Thank you, I am constantly told that, even in unhappy Vancouver. Now that is an accomplishment.
I got the sweetest of emails from an admirer.
He: Hope you’re having fun :)Who am I kidding, of course you are!
Me: Holy cow Am I EVER having fun. I do wish you were here, she said daringly. I am such a brat. Great to hear from you.
Who knows? You are never going to get what you want in life unless you ask. I asked.