Faithful readers might be a little mystified by the fact that I am not speaking of the train trip. There is a very good reason for that. I am not on the train. I am not blogging about the circumstances because they are going to be the subject of litigation. The plaintiff shall be Alexis McBride. The defendant will be Via Rail. As many of you know I am a lawyer who did civil litigation for many a year so I do know how to conduct myself.
But on that fateful evening i checked into a hotel and the check in person looked exactly like Best of 2016. One of my friends, comparing photographs, said they looked like twins. I asked Check In Person (hereinafter CIP) if I could take his picture and he said yes. He was startled at the resemblance when he saw Best of 2016. The difference between CIP and Best of 2016? CIP is nicer and did say the other day. “Alexis, EVERYBODY likes you.” I am not sure about that, but it was very sweet of him to say so.
The next morning I got up and walked out of the hotel, looked across the street and began to laugh. There is the strangest store exactly across the street. I took a picture and it will be attached to this posting. You will laugh too, I am sure.
So plans are being redrafted. But the most amazing thing happened. I was hunting for a lawyer. I knew that the husband of a high school and college friend was an esteemed member of the Law Institute. I got in touch with the Institute, a wonderful woman called me and got in touch with him (he had retired) and now my friend Lynne, (who lives here) and I are in touch again and we cannot wait to meet up. We had lost touch over the years. It seem rather like a miracle. At the time of extreme distress I was, as usual, determined to make GOOB (good out of bad, for the uninitiated). Good has already emerged in the presence of Lynne. There is much to do these days but stay in touch and find out where I am going and what I am doing. I will let you know when I know.